Just when ya think you got it figured out

You ever notice how hard life can be? Just when it’s good, it gets bad, then when it’s bad it gets worse? Then when it’s worse, it can always get … worse …er?!  I remember that time I was in before I’d thought of a plan. I remember being in limbo. Not only did I not know what to do, but I had nothing to shoot and hope for. I didn’t have something to blame, I had nothing to reflect on, nothing to improve upon. A simple hard day became nearly unbearable.  I think maybe it was to cope with this: I made up a plan.

As soon as I started in on this plan, I noticed a new aspect of my personality come into being. I will call it: Monthly-Drew. (Or perhaps We can call it, bi-polar Drew)  Part of me lives in the moment. Part of me lives for months at a time. Monthly-Drew makes up plans, whereas Daily-Drew has bad days now and again. Daily-Drew shows up for work on time, and indulges in ice cream, where as Monthly-Drew gets good references and a little pooch on the mid-rift. Oo I like this analogy so far… Monthly-Drew has a girlfriend, but Daily-Drew gets laid. hahah

Plan A was college. Whoops. I’m now onto Plan B. So far, there are good days and bad days. Monthly-Drew is telling me: so far, this is totally worth it. Daily-Drew, big surprise here, is sending mixed messages. Just so long as they keep talking to each other and never try to occupy the same space at the same time – or they could cause a rift in the time-space continuum.