
  • philosophizing and a bit about my trip so far

    Arrived on Wednesday morning November 5 in London shortly after hearing the captain announce Obama's victory. Wish I had left on nov 5 instead of 6pm on the fourth so I could have partaken in the ou..Read more

    Arrived on Wednesday morning November 5 in London shortly after hearing the captain announce Obama’s victory. Wish I had left on nov 5 instead of 6pm on the fourth so I could have partaken in the out in the streets spontaneous joy fest in seattle which I heard about from tina and read in the online papers. i love …

  • indiaindia

    so yeah, india is cool. we started in calcutta/kolkata and that was nice. there are tons of people and lots of chai stands around and restaurants. the way people drive is quite erradic but it works fo..Read more

    so yeah, india is cool. we started in calcutta/kolkata and that was nice. there are tons of people and lots of chai stands around and restaurants. the way people drive is quite erradic but it works for them. lots of honking is the only bad part. I’m told that to see the real india one …

  • Beard!!!!

    Man should you guys see my beard, it's about an inch long all around, shaved my neck though a while back and mustache but it's since grown back. It's awesome and going to be more so. Tina doesn't l..Read more

    Man should you guys see my beard, it’s about an inch long all around, shaved my neck though a while back and mustache but it’s since grown back. It’s awesome and going to be more so. Tina doesn’t like it but tough for her. I think I’ll get her to braid it when it gets …

  • day 2 KK, Malaysia

    November 3rd, 2007

      Hello, so day two in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. People call the city KK and Kula Lumpur KL for short reference. So I'm liking here quite a lot, the names of places li..Read more

    November 3rd, 2007   Hello, so day two in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. People call the city KK and Kula Lumpur KL for short reference. So I’m liking here quite a lot, the names of places like Kinabatangan and Sandakan are fun to say. So far in this city, more like a town compared to Seattle …

  • long update from boracay

    Tina and I are wrapping up our time here in boracay, land of beach and bars and crafts shops and not too crowded but still lots of vendors selling stuff and more pale tourists arriving all the time bu..Read more

    Tina and I are wrapping up our time here in boracay, land of beach and bars and crafts shops and not too crowded but still lots of vendors selling stuff and more pale tourists arriving all the time busy season is starting. Our stay at the hotel for 14 nights turns up to be 8880 …

  • short update from boracay

    Sooooo....Tina and I were in Taiwan with her family. That was nice, going to eat, them taking us to temples, beer houses for gambei/campai/bottoms up, relearning chinese chess (thank you ten years ..Read more

    Sooooo….Tina and I were in Taiwan with her family. That was nice, going to eat, them taking us to temples, beer houses for gambei/campai/bottoms up, relearning chinese chess (thank you ten years ago alex) and playing with her uncles and cousin, it’s a lot like international chess but the pieces and board and rules are …

  • Taipei, Taiwan

    Hello from Taipei! Tina and I just got in yesterday on sunday after our 13 hour flight of which I slept a good 8 hours. THings are well, we're staying at a hotel that one of her uncles "General" se..Read more

    Hello from Taipei! Tina and I just got in yesterday on sunday after our 13 hour flight of which I slept a good 8 hours. THings are well, we’re staying at a hotel that one of her uncles “General” set us up with. It’s nice and has a western toilet which is nice, and a …