This was cool enough of a trick that I thought I’d write it up and share it. Hope it helps! This must initially be setup in a web browser.
- Log into your Google account, head over to Calendars
- On the bottom left, under Other Calendars, hit the +, then Subscribe To Calendar
- Then on the left side select From URL
- Paste in your URL, ending in .ics from the list below**
- Hit Add Calendar
Scroll to the bottom of of your screen, and you’ll see your newly added, automatically updating, calendar in the bottom left.
I change the name of the calendar here, and leave everything else default.
Top left hit the left arrow to get back to your normal Calendar view. Scroll down again and there’s your new calendar under Other Calendars.
- Mouse over the new calendar, hit the dot-dot-dot, and change the color to make it pretty
- the newly added calendar should also sync up with your phone auto-magically
I have enough calendars in there for Work, Robin, Chicken Rotation, etc, that several of my calendars aren’t even displayed. But when they are, I want to make sure the colors are different so I don’t mix them up. I purposely chose the same color for Robin and the Bryant calendar. Robin is where I add my own stuff, whereas Bryant calendar is the one that I’m subscribed to.
Now on your phone. I have an android. I suspect that if you install or use the Google Calendar app on your iPhone, the instructions will be similar or the same.
Hit the hamburger menu (three stacked horizontal lines) in the top left. Scroll down to Settings, select that.
Under your gmail account, there will be a Show More button, select that.
You should see the calendar you created and renamed.
Select it, and you can change the color here too on your phone. Same guidelines from above apply here.
Make sense? Clear as mud? Email me any suggestions and I’ll rewrite it to make it easier. Hope this helps someone!
A few other pointers from the tech guy I emailed with:
Any questions should go to
Any calendar suggestions could also go to You could probably also contact the office coordinator at the school and ask them to have the webmaster add specific events to the calendar. Some of our schools are better than others about updating content on their sites.
** all the ICS calendar links for Tacoma Schools. Wow, lots of them.
- “Ways to add someone else’s calendar”
- “How to add ics calendar”
- Gracious email support from the IT folks at